Floods every year, half the country in poverty, ranked 12th most corrupt country and scoring one of the lowest Cricket scores in the World Cup. Ofcourse!Alright so where MOD going with this one? How's this linked to ISLAM?Come find out...
In recent weeks we have seen the latest wave of attacks on Muslims and Islam. Starting with Jack Straw's comments, then moving on to the Dispatches programme attacking Islamic faith schools, with the latest being Cameron's speech on Multiculturalism.
So what's with these attacks on Islam Why they trying to place 'Islam Behind Bars'?
Chilling on the same wall day after day in the endz, 4 in the morning while at the rezy, jamming in Epping Forrest during NRA at Midnight... What do they all have in common? That's right - one way or another the subject of Dajjal seems to come up... So here we go MoD will be discussing the issue of Dajjal... although we are familiar with many narrations regarding the Dajjal (Damn pressure is on!) - How should we Understand them? View them? Act on them?... Should mans be worried, is he here? Click on image for more details