As our Ummah return from the great pilgrimage of Hajj, come and join MoD where one of our brothers will explain his experiences and journey to the birth place of Islam... We will also highlight the dangers of coming back to the UK and falling into the trap of the shaithan by following our whims and desires as a criterion of action neglecting the book of life; Qur’an.... Click on image for more details
Allah’s sacred month of Muharram is a blessed and important month. It is the first month in the Islamic New Year which opens up new opportunities for Muslims to seek the forgiveness of Allah. With so much happening in the world around us come and find out how we can grab the virtues of this Month by not wronging ourselves.... Click on image for more details
Al Ghazali, the great ornament of the Ummah, a giant amongst scholars, honoured with title 'Al Hujjatul Islam' )the proof of Islam). Join us as we delve into his life whilst drawing contemporary lessons from his teachings. Speaker: Ustadh Safaruk Chowdhury Click on image for more details
LOCKED UP for 7 YEARS without any crime, trial or charges. "The world is ruled by crocodiles and snakes. The world is ruled by frauds and fakes. Diversity and multiculturalism, (are just fancy words for state racism). Fairness and honour are things now extinct, Justice and power are to things distinct." [Barbar Ahmad] Join Ministry of Dawah as we unmask the ugly face of Britain's and America's war on ISLAM under the guise of 'freedom' and 'war on terror' Click on image for more details