Thursday, 29 January 2009


Many people are saying that America has changed. The world has changed. A black man as President. With a muslim father and middle name "Hussain"... but what does mean for the Muslims? Does this mean American policy has changed? Will this be a change for the Ummah? Will he help the Muslim and 3rd world?... is there really a change?
Click on image for full details

Tuesday, 20 January 2009


Continuing on our GAZA series , we will follow on from last weeks talk and bring you Part 2: Israel is massacring the Muslims of Gaza. But why is this happening? & who is really to blame? Who is allowing them? Supportting them? Feeding them? Giving them the Green Light to Kill? America? The West? The Freemasons? Dajjal?.. or much much closer to Home?

Military Forces: Israel = 3.3. Million, Egypt = 41.6 Million, Turkey = 39.6 Million... Muslim Lands feed Israel, Gives her Our water, Our food, Our money, Our armies, Our security and Our blood on plate. Come and find out the truth & the frightening figures of how the most powerful nation in the world... Doesn't know it is! Click on image for full details

Monday, 12 January 2009

GROWING UP IN GAZA - Living in Occupied Palestine

Assalaam Aleykum Bro's and Sis's. We're back after the winter break!

Right now, we may feel for our Brothers and Sisiters as the killing is televised and seems "real" to us now... But what about when the cameras stop rolling? What is the hell of day to day living in Occupied Palestine & how even the charitable workers suffer at the hands of the zionist aggressors...

Come hear the accounts of INTERPAL 's experience and guests who grew up in the Holy Lands.
Click on image for full details

Friday, 9 January 2009


Assalamualikum wr wb Brothers and Sisters,

Apologies to all - the Gaza talk has to be postoned till next week - Sunday 18th - Inshallah.

We will return with a talk better than would have been this week Bi'idznillah (By the permisson of Allah)

Jzkallah for your sabr

The MOD Team

Thursday, 8 January 2009

GROWING UP IN GAZA - Living in Occupied Palestine

Assalaam Aleykum Bro's and Sis's. We're back after the winter break!

Right now, we may feel for our Brothers and Sisiters as the killing is televised and seems "real" to us now... But what about when the cameras stop rolling? What is the hell of day to day living in Occupied Palestine & how even the charitable workers suffer at the hands of the zionist aggressors.

Come hear the accounts of INTERPAL 's experiance and guests who grew up in the Holy Lands. Click on image for full details